British Sign Language (BSL) / English Interpreters
These are qualified, graded professionals who work primarily with the Deaf Community and with individuals for whom BSL is their preferred or first language. They interpret BSL into spoken English for hearing individuals, and spoken English into BSL for BSL users.
Our other communication professional services
Interpreters with Deafblind people
These are professionals who will either use the manual, block alphabet or a hands-on method of communication. It is important to state the preference of the deafblind person when booking, so that their needs can most easily be met.
Electronic Notetaking
Electronic Notetakers (or ENTs) are skilled individuals who work primarily with individuals and groups for whom English is their preferred or first language. The service comprises of an ENT with a dual laptop/netbook setup, who will type audio into an input computer, with the transcription appearing in real time on the second unit for the client to utilise. ENTs can also be booked by hearing clients for recording transcripts of events such as board meetings and lectures.
Video Remote Interpreting
Unique web-based tool to assist communication with Deaf BSL users.
Sign Language Interactions under the working title of ‘SLi-NOW!’ is developing a VRI service to meet the growing needs of public facing service providers. Visit our devoted website here <<<
Lipspeakers work with people who have English as their first or preferred language. The Lipspeaker will convey the message to the lipreader (without using their voice) by reproducing the shape, flow, rhythm, stress and phrasing of speech used by the speaker.
Access remote interpreters using a PC or Laptop via a webcam.