We actively look for feedback and if you are unhappy with the level of service, we provide a smooth as possible complaints procedure.
A complaint is when you are not satisfied with our service, lack of service or about the standard of our service.
Summary of our Complaints Procedure
[Video refers to SASLI which is now known as SRLPDC]
What is a complaint?
A complaint is when you are not satisfied with our service, lack of service or about the standard of our service. Complaints help us to improve our service.
What you can complain about You can complain about:
Failure to provide a service
Our standard of service
Treatment or attitude by a worker of Sign Language Interactions (Sli)
Failure to follow proper procedures
You have to tell us why you are making a complaint (including date, time and who the complaint is about).
Complaints Procedure
You can make your complaint in person, by email, by video letter, or in writing.
We have a three-stage complaints procedure.
We will always try to deal with your complaint quickly.
But if the matter (complaint) will need a further detailed investigation, we will tell you and keep you updated on our progress. This may take longer.
Handling your complaint
We will acknowledge your complaint by email, by video letter, or in writing within 2 working days
We aim to resolve complaints within 21 working days
If urgent we will try and resolve the complaint in 2 working days
We will keep you informed of the progress
We will let you know the outcome/decision by email, by video letter, or in writing.
Getting help to make your complaint
We understand that there may be reasons you cannot make a complaint yourself. We can accept complaints from a representative appointed by you if you give them permission. This can be a friend, relative or an advocate.
Stage 1
If you have a complaint, please contact the Sli office (administration team) as soon as you can (by email, by video letter, or in writing) and let us know what the complaint is about
We will always try and resolve complaints straight away
If we cannot resolve it straight away or you are not happy with the outcome, you can ask us to consider your complaint at Stage 2.
Stage 2
The Finance and Administration Manager will consider your complaint and let you know what happens next
Further investigation may be needed and we will tell you how long this may take
If you are not fully satisfied, the complaint will be dealt with by the Company Director.
Stage 3
Depending on the nature of your complaint, we may pass your complaint to SSRLPDC (The Scottish Register of Language Professionals with the Deaf Community (previously SASLI)) or NRCPD (National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People) or to the contracting body of the service to deal with (NHS, Local Authority etc.).
How to make a complaint or give feedback
Contact us here <<< and we will start the process with you.